Derek and I enjoying the day.
Here is Ashley in line waiting to go into the lauo. She is smiling and happy like always.
Some old fashion hula dancing.
Now this was a real treat they had fire dancers. They were awsome.
Look at them shorts they have to wear.
Derek wanted Dylan to get his face painted but D had other ideas of what he wanted to do with that paint brush.
Some more fire dancing.
Dylan loved it on that swing.
He also love eating those leaves.
Those whales are amazing , beautiful and extremely intelligent creatures.
We sat in the soak zone right up front and did not get a single drop of water on us but we had a great view of the show.
Grandpa being silly.
Ashley posing like a true Model.
Dylan and his Grandpa.
Ashely is on the computer, thatis her favorite past time, but she has a limit otherwise that is all she would do.
Mommy and Dylan on the swing.
Dylan loves to play silly games with his Grandpa.