Then Derek's cousin Brian stopped by to say hi and visit for a little bit.

Then Auntie Michelle and cousin Brandy stopped by when I was trying to get a little bit of rest. I ended up getting up to say hi and be sociable. Brandy is 12 and a star Volleyball player at her school.After we all got ready to go, we went over Auntie Michelle and Uncle Randy's house to visit with them properly. Most places that you go on the
Uncle Randy and Auntie Michelle.

Auntie Michelle with Dylan.

The Newlyweds Teci and Byrd. They were married on my B-Day!

While all of the visiting was going on Ashley and Brandy were outside playing Volleyball and hangning out with Brandy's friends. Next, Uncle Isaiah stopped by to see us. He had just come from

As we were leaving Ashley decided that she wanted to go with Brandy to Teci's house for a swim in her pool. Teci just recently bought a beautiful 6 bedroom house with a pool and spa. You go girl, now you just have to fill the bedrooms up with babies.

So we went across town to have dinner with Uncle Jeff and Aunt Cynthia.

Dylan got to take a cat nap on the drive.

Our visit was nice and Dylan was on his best behavior with the exception of going to bathroom on himself, but it was not his fault but I had to give him a bath. Dinner was awesome it was nice to have a home cooked meal and not fast food. Now the boys ate by the TV and watched the Chargers game and Aunt Cynthia and I sat and talked and we women tend to do.

We had time for one more visit that evening. Next it was over to Derek’s sisters Ashley’s house. Ashley is married and has 2 children and another one on the way. Our visit was nice but we did not stay long because Dylan was getting fussy from being out all day.
Derek, Dylan, Ashley(Derek' sister), Jazzimine and "Baby.

These kids did not want me taking pictures espically Jazzmine, but she liked to see the pictures after they were taken and then I let her take pictures and as you will see she quickly warmed up.

Ashley and her husband Jonathan.

The boys: Derek, Jonathan and his cousin.(sorry cousin could not remember ur name) :(

You see she warmed up real nice. What a cutie.

Here is Dylan after a long day. We had to go he was acting crazy and he had every right his Mom and Dad had him out all day and he did not get his proper rest.

So we ended our day and headed back to Nina’s house.
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